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Orcs are the thundering heart of battle, each one born from the clash of iron and the roar of war drums. Their bodies are mountains of muscle, their tusks gleam in the firelight, and their ferocity is matched only by their unyielding spirit. But beneath their savage exteriors lies a deep connection to the primal forces of the world—Orcs understand the raw pulse of life and death, forging empires with blood and steel, yet always respecting the brutal balance of existence.

Orcs are humanoids known for their bold tusks, powerful physiques, and widespread presence across the world. From small coastal villages to massive fortresses carved into mountains, Orcs are adaptable and proud people, celebrated for their martial prowess, steelworking, and diverse architectural styles that blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Orcs are proud of their accomplishments and do not shy away from displaying trophies of hunts or crafts they’ve made. It’s common to see bands of Orcs traveling in search of treasure, adventure, or prize game, while older Orcs tend to grow restless at home and venture out from time to time.

Standing at an average of 6 feet 5 inches tall, with muscular builds and skin tones ranging from dark green to gray, Orcs have eyes in striking colors: black, blue, gold, red, or white.


They are known for their incredible resilience in battle, possessing the ability to avoid death once per day by remaining at 1 Hit Point when reduced to 0. Orcs gain a +1 bonus to both Strength and Dexterity, speak the languages Merchant and Orach, have a lifespan of up to 150 years, and a movement speed of 30 feet.


Empire of the Golden horn.

Founded in the year 2200 of the 2nd Age out of the roaming tribes of orcs and goblins that inhabited the Golden Horn of the west coast of Dracodor, the Empire banded together first as a powerful war party called the Raiders of Uguk. They would raid local forts and villages for food and supplies until they had amassed enough resources to settle their own town. Once settled, they continued to set out on raids but now with a large, fortified, and well-fed base of operations. They consolidated power within the region, and soon when a raiding party took a village, they had enough manpower to claim it as their own instead of razing it and leaving. This began the shift from a kingdom toward an empire. Raiding parties were encouraged to take land and keep it if they could for the Boss. After years of this practice and many generations of bosses, the Raiders of Uguk had claimed most of the Golden Horn territory. At this point, the Boss, Valluk Greychalk, declared himself the first King of the Golden Horn and started the Greychalk Dynasty.


After that, they began shipbuilding and sent raiding parties far and wide with the same standing order: any land you raid is land for the king. This led to many wars with almost every species and nation on Gahiri. But even if the wars led to devastating losses, the homeland of the Golden Horn is so remote that none have invaded, and thus the practice of “Ma’taluk” or King’s Land is still upheld. This is how the kingdom became a world-spanning empire. These days, the Empire trades just as much as it raids, as other nations have found that trading with the fort towns often leads to them not scheduling a raid at all. Orc steel is highly sought after, leading to trading hubs cropping up near orc strongholds quite often. This has led to a slight shift in culture over the years, as trading is much easier than fighting. But fighting on the new continents has shown that the Ma’taluk spirit is alive and well. The current Emperor, Geruk Greychalk IV, has set his sights on expanding into the heartland of the Dracodor Savannah to gain good ranching lands for his people.

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